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Lot # 33 - Iver Johnson 5 Shot Revolver, Top Break 32 Cal. 3.25" Barrel, Serial #67027
Ryanwynia1 05/12/23 7:33P $130.51 Ryanwynia1 raised their max bid.
Ryanwynia1 05/11/23 10:47P $130.51 Ryanwynia1 raised their max bid.
Ryanwynia1 05/10/23 4:11P $130.51 Ryanwynia1 outbid the previous bid by blown55
blown55 05/10/23 4:11P $125.51 Proxy bid was was placed for blown55 in response to a bid by Ryanwynia1
Ryanwynia1 05/10/23 4:11P $125.00 Ryanwynia1 bid was accepted, but was outbid by blown55 using proxy bid.
blown55 05/10/23 10:40A $100.00 Proxy bid was was placed for blown55 in response to a bid by Dnelson39
Dnelson39 05/10/23 10:40A $99.00 Dnelson39 bid was accepted, but was outbid by blown55 using proxy bid.
blown55 05/10/23 10:39A $90.00 Proxy bid was was placed for blown55 in response to a bid by Dnelson39
Dnelson39 05/10/23 10:39A $89.00 Dnelson39 bid was accepted, but was outbid by blown55 using proxy bid.
blown55 05/08/23 3:50P $56.00 blown55 outbid the previous bid by johncharles52
johncharles52 05/08/23 3:50P $55.00 Proxy bid was placed for johncharles52 in response to a bid by blown55
johncharles52 05/08/23 1:51A $23.00 Proxy bid was was placed for johncharles52 in response to a bid by Whiteboy666
Whiteboy666 05/08/23 1:51A $22.00 Whiteboy666 bid was accepted, but was outbid by johncharles52 using proxy bid.
johncharles52 05/07/23 4:45P $11.00 johncharles52 outbid the previous bid by Berry1819
Berry1819 05/07/23 4:45P $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for Berry1819 in response to a bid by johncharles52
Berry1819 05/06/23 11:12P $5.00 Berry1819 placed the starting bid.
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