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Lot # 76 - Vintage Walk Behind Gravely Garden Tractor (Engine Turns Over)
ljgoldin 06/01/23 7:36P $25.97 ljgoldin outbid the previous bid by Owloakacres
Owloakacres 06/01/23 7:36P $25.00 Proxy bid was placed for Owloakacres in response to a bid by ljgoldin
Owloakacres 06/01/23 9:16A $16.00 Owloakacres outbid the previous bid by sircharles
sircharles 06/01/23 9:16A $15.00 Proxy bid was placed for sircharles in response to a bid by Owloakacres
sircharles 06/01/23 8:07A $5.00 sircharles placed the starting bid. Lowered the max bid.
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