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Lot # 163 - Double-Point Hitch to Single-Point Hitch Reciever
gunstreetgirl 06/01/23 2:25P $51.00 Proxy bid was was placed for gunstreetgirl in response to a bid by Kmccurry
Kmccurry 06/01/23 2:25P $51.00 Kmccurry bid was accepted, but was outbid by gunstreetgirl using proxy bid.
gunstreetgirl 06/01/23 2:25P $49.00 Proxy bid was was placed for gunstreetgirl in response to a bid by Kmccurry
Kmccurry 06/01/23 2:25P $48.00 Kmccurry bid was accepted, but was outbid by gunstreetgirl using proxy bid.
gunstreetgirl 05/30/23 8:12A $46.00 gunstreetgirl outbid the previous bid by eblanck
eblanck 05/30/23 8:12A $45.00 Proxy bid was placed for eblanck in response to a bid by gunstreetgirl
eblanck 05/29/23 5:41P $36.00 eblanck outbid the previous bid by eric
eric 05/29/23 5:41P $35.00 Proxy bid was placed for eric in response to a bid by eblanck
eric 05/29/23 2:31P $27.00 eric outbid the previous bid by eblanck
eblanck 05/29/23 2:30P $26.00 Proxy bid was was placed for eblanck in response to a bid by eric
eric 05/29/23 2:30P $25.00 eric bid was accepted, but was outbid by eblanck using proxy bid.
eblanck 05/29/23 10:39A $19.00 Proxy bid was was placed for eblanck in response to a bid by Igosalvage
Igosalvage 05/29/23 10:39A $18.00 Igosalvage bid was accepted, but was outbid by eblanck using proxy bid.
eblanck 05/28/23 10:01A $12.00 eblanck outbid the previous bid by maddog2020
maddog2020 05/28/23 10:01A $11.00 Proxy bid was placed for maddog2020 in response to a bid by eblanck
maddog2020 05/28/23 7:51A $7.00 Proxy bid was was placed for maddog2020 in response to a bid by Trishd
Trishd 05/28/23 7:51A $6.00 Trishd bid was accepted, but was outbid by maddog2020 using proxy bid.
maddog2020 05/28/23 7:03A $5.00 maddog2020 placed the starting bid.
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