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Lot #34 - Cute Barrel Planter On Casters w/ Artificial Flowers, Kitchen Decor & Two Battery Operated Wall Clocks (Both Work)
demarie 05/18/23 7:16P $30.75 demarie outbid the previous bid by Bambylina
Bambylina 05/18/23 7:16P $29.75 Proxy bid was placed for Bambylina in response to a bid by demarie
Bambylina 05/18/23 7:15P $28.50 Bambylina outbid the previous bid by demarie
demarie 05/18/23 7:15P $27.50 demarie outbid the previous bid by Bambylina
Bambylina 05/18/23 7:15P $27.45 Proxy bid was placed for Bambylina in response to a bid by demarie
Bambylina 05/18/23 6:17P $21.00 Bambylina outbid the previous bid by Wtf5
Wtf5 05/18/23 6:17P $20.00 Proxy bid was placed for Wtf5 in response to a bid by Bambylina
Wtf5 05/18/23 10:15A $18.25 Wtf5 outbid the previous bid by Bambylina
Bambylina 05/18/23 10:15A $17.25 Proxy bid was placed for Bambylina in response to a bid by Wtf5
Bambylina 05/18/23 9:58A $16.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Bambylina in response to a bid by Wtf5
Wtf5 05/18/23 9:58A $15.00 Wtf5 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Bambylina using proxy bid.
Bambylina 05/18/23 7:48A $11.01 Proxy bid was was placed for Bambylina in response to a bid by advancedcoatingsolution
advancedcoatingsolution 05/18/23 7:48A $10.01 advancedcoatingsolution bid was accepted, but was outbid by Bambylina using proxy bid.
Bambylina 05/18/23 7:47A $7.16 Proxy bid was was placed for Bambylina in response to a bid by advancedcoatingsolution
advancedcoatingsolution 05/18/23 7:47A $6.16 advancedcoatingsolution bid was accepted, but was outbid by Bambylina using proxy bid.
Bambylina 05/16/23 12:27P $5.00 Bambylina placed the starting bid.
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