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Lot #64 - Dog Lot-Leashes, Toys, Doggie Door, Fur Wizard, Food Bowls, Gate & Training/Electric Collars(Not Tested)
[email protected] 05/18/23 7:32P $32.00 [email protected] outbid the previous bid by Fairsher56
Fairsher56 05/18/23 12:48A $31.00 Fairsher56 outbid the previous bid by Terry Griffith
Terry Griffith 05/18/23 12:48A $30.00 Proxy bid was placed for Terry Griffith in response to a bid by Fairsher56
Terry Griffith 05/17/23 8:42P $26.00 Terry Griffith outbid the previous bid by aalexander710
aalexander710 05/17/23 8:42P $25.00 Proxy bid was was placed for aalexander710 in response to a bid by Terry Griffith
Terry Griffith 05/17/23 8:42P $25.00 Terry Griffith bid was accepted, but was outbid by aalexander710 using proxy bid.
aalexander710 05/17/23 8:05P $22.00 aalexander710 outbid the previous bid by Terry Griffith
Terry Griffith 05/17/23 6:51A $21.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Terry Griffith in response to a bid by starlacrowell
starlacrowell 05/17/23 6:51A $21.00 starlacrowell bid was accepted, but was outbid by Terry Griffith using proxy bid.
Terry Griffith 05/14/23 9:10P $16.00 Terry Griffith outbid the previous bid by hoghuny
hoghuny 05/14/23 9:10P $15.00 Proxy bid was was placed for hoghuny in response to a bid by Terry Griffith
Terry Griffith 05/14/23 9:10P $15.00 Terry Griffith bid was accepted, but was outbid by hoghuny using proxy bid.
hoghuny 05/14/23 9:21A $11.00 hoghuny outbid the previous bid by mmelhase
mmelhase 05/14/23 9:21A $10.00 Proxy bid was was placed for mmelhase in response to a bid by hoghuny
hoghuny 05/14/23 9:21A $10.00 hoghuny bid was accepted, but was outbid by mmelhase using proxy bid.
mmelhase 05/14/23 7:57A $6.00 mmelhase outbid the previous bid by hoghuny
hoghuny 05/13/23 11:11P $5.00 hoghuny placed the starting bid.
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