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Lot #28 - Stanley Furniture Full Sized 4-Poster Bed/Headboard,Includes Mattress & Box Spring, Plus One Nightstand
bakerfam 06/08/23 7:11P $130.00 bakerfam outbid the previous bid by Buster5357
Buster5357 06/08/23 7:11P $126.00 Proxy bid was placed for Buster5357 in response to a bid by bakerfam
Buster5357 06/08/23 7:11P $121.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Buster5357 in response to a bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/08/23 7:11P $116.00 bakerfam bid was accepted, but was outbid by Buster5357 using proxy bid.
Buster5357 06/08/23 7:11P $111.00 Buster5357 outbid the previous bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/08/23 2:14P $106.00 bakerfam outbid the previous bid by Buster5357
Buster5357 06/08/23 2:14P $102.50 Proxy bid was placed for Buster5357 in response to a bid by bakerfam
Buster5357 06/08/23 2:14P $101.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Buster5357 in response to a bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/08/23 2:14P $100.00 bakerfam bid was accepted, but was outbid by Buster5357 using proxy bid.
Buster5357 06/08/23 2:13P $91.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Buster5357 in response to a bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/08/23 2:13P $90.00 bakerfam bid was accepted, but was outbid by Buster5357 using proxy bid.
Buster5357 06/08/23 1:41P $81.00 Buster5357 outbid the previous bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/08/23 1:41P $80.00 Proxy bid was placed for bakerfam in response to a bid by Buster5357
bakerfam 06/08/23 8:05A $62.00 bakerfam outbid the previous bid by mckenth
mckenth 06/08/23 7:56A $61.00 mckenth outbid the previous bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/08/23 7:56A $60.00 Proxy bid was placed for bakerfam in response to a bid by mckenth
bakerfam 06/08/23 7:56A $55.00 Proxy bid was was placed for bakerfam in response to a bid by mckenth
mckenth 06/08/23 7:56A $54.00 mckenth bid was accepted, but was outbid by bakerfam using proxy bid.
bakerfam 06/05/23 4:44A $51.00 bakerfam outbid the previous bid by PYM9747YL
PYM9747YL 06/05/23 4:44A $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for PYM9747YL in response to a bid by bakerfam
PYM9747YL 06/04/23 10:12P $41.00 PYM9747YL outbid the previous bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/04/23 10:12P $40.00 Proxy bid was was placed for bakerfam in response to a bid by PYM9747YL
PYM9747YL 06/04/23 10:12P $40.00 PYM9747YL bid was accepted, but was outbid by bakerfam using proxy bid.
bakerfam 06/04/23 5:19A $21.00 bakerfam outbid the previous bid by PYM9747YL
PYM9747YL 06/04/23 5:19A $20.00 Proxy bid was was placed for PYM9747YL in response to a bid by bakerfam
bakerfam 06/04/23 5:19A $20.00 bakerfam bid was accepted, but was outbid by PYM9747YL using proxy bid.
PYM9747YL 06/04/23 12:49A $11.00 PYM9747YL outbid the previous bid by Davidroden378
Davidroden378 06/04/23 12:49A $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for Davidroden378 in response to a bid by PYM9747YL
Davidroden378 06/03/23 11:30P $5.00 Davidroden378 placed the starting bid.
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