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Lot #31 - High Peak Simex Sport S/XS Backpack 60L
Jlane530 06/08/23 6:25A $26.00 Jlane530 outbid the previous bid by Moparman
Moparman 06/08/23 6:25A $25.00 Proxy bid was placed for Moparman in response to a bid by Jlane530
Moparman 06/04/23 7:22A $18.66 Proxy bid was was placed for Moparman in response to a bid by Rdnkfun
Rdnkfun 06/04/23 7:22A $17.66 Rdnkfun bid was accepted, but was outbid by Moparman using proxy bid.
Moparman 06/04/23 6:30A $16.00 Moparman outbid the previous bid by Raptorgrl24
Raptorgrl24 06/04/23 6:30A $15.00 Proxy bid was placed for Raptorgrl24 in response to a bid by Moparman
Raptorgrl24 06/04/23 1:37A $6.00 Raptorgrl24 outbid the previous bid by Ronwilliams
Ronwilliams 06/03/23 6:40P $5.00 Ronwilliams placed the starting bid.
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