NorCal Estate Sales & Liquidation Services Redding Red Bluff ChicoLocal Online Auctions Serving Northern CA530-366-1659
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Lot # 49 - Czech 7.65 Cal Pistol ( Needs Gunsmith Help, Wont Fire) - This in NOT a prop.
You will pick this item up directly from the FFL Dealer.
This is a Firearm and will be legally transferred through FFLKeith Webber Gunsmithing - 1600 E Cypress Ave Ste 6, Redding, CA 96002 530-768-1111FFL licensed dealer w/ 10days waiting period.Do Not bid on firearms or Ammo unless you can pass DOJ background check.Dealer/Transfer Fee $67 is buyers responsibility. Fee is paid separately & directly to the dealer.
Please Bring Boxes, Packing & Help To Load Your Items. Thank You.
Please Note: No item or items are meant to offend anyone, All items are for re-enactment purposes only - The owner was an avid participant in the re-enactment events.
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