Lot #110 - Assorted Flatware, Serving Utensils, Large Crystal S&P Shakers, San Fransisco Hi Balls & Decorative Pheasant Figurines
Lot Number: 110
Item Location: Vintage Path Redding Ca. - Vineyards Subdivision
Preview Date/Time: Thursday July 16th - 10am -11am
Pickup Date/Time: Saturday July 18th - 10am - 1pm
Start Date/Time: 07/13/15 5:00 AM
End Date/Time: 07/16/15 8:43:00 PM
Opening Bid: $5.00
Bid History: 10
Current Bid: $24.23
Minimum Bid:
Highbidder: MaryBeth
Auction has ended.


Lot #110 - Assorted Flatware, Serving Utensils, Large Crystal S&P Shakers, San Fransisco Hi Balls & Decorative Pheasant Figurines (pheasant figurines have repairs - see pics)


Comes from a clean non smoking estate

Please bring your own boxes, packing & help to load heavy items. 

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